How to Repair Power Window on Your Ford (2004 – 2008 models)

Things you will need to Repair Ford Power Window. The things that you’ll need to repair the power window issue on your Ford vehicle are just a couple of essential tools. If you’re one of those guys who love to fix things in their home, car, etc., you should probably have these tools. And if not, then these are readily available at a hardware store. Tin Snips Four different sockets. (10 mm, 6mm, 730 seconds and 516) Container Clamp Needle nose pliers Flat blade screwdriver Putty knife Socket wrench A little piece of sheet metal Step 1: Remove all the Screws Remove the screws from the door. There are two 6 mm screws located at the bottom side of the door panel. After that, take off the panel that is holding the window buttons. Remember to not just pull the panel out directly. You’ll find two connected cable harnesses that you need to pull out first. Now you can take the panel out and put it aside. You’ll find one more screw inside that panel area. Remove it. You’ll find one more sc...